Computer Science & Engg

Jadhav R.S

HOD,  ME Computer Sci.

10 years Experience

Computer network, Operating System, Human Interaction

Shivatare Arati A.

Asst. Professor, ME Computer Sci

9 years experience

Database system, Data Structure, Cloud Computing


Mr. Prakash Kumar

Asst. Professor, ME

13 years experience

VLSI ,Embeded system


Ms. Gaikwad Chaitrali L.

Asst. Professor, ME CSE

5 years experience

Distributed system, oops using c++ language, Theory of Computation


Ms. Papinwar Sonal R.

Asst. Professor, ME CSE

5 years experience

Blockchain system, paython language, Design and analysis of  algorithms



The department is committed to achieving academic excellence through education and research

in the emerging and established areas of computer science and engineering.


Building the capacities of young students to realize their professional and academic dreams.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

A graduate in the discipline of Computer Engineering is generally expected to have three kinds of knowledge. First, the graduate should have conceptual knowledge of the core topics of Computer Science. Second, she/he should have knowledge of mathematical formalism underlying various programming concepts. Third, graduates in the discipline of Computer Engineering should have the knowledge of the state of the technologies and tools so that he/she can apply the principles of Computer Science to solve real-life problems from diverse application domains. The programme of B.Tech in Computer Engineering at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University (DBATU) essentially aims to meet these broad expectations. At the same time, the program intends to comply with the courses and syllabus available at National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) and SWAYAM. The following specific educational objective aims to achieve these global and regional expectations.


Identifier Objectives


To provide knowledge of sound mathematical principles underlying various programming concepts.


To develop an ability to understand complex issues in the analysis, design,implementation and operation of information systems.

PEO3 To provide knowledge of mechanisms for building large-scale computer-based systems.


To develop an ability to provide computer-based solutions to the problems from other disciplines of science and engineering.


To impart skills necessary for adapting rapid changes taking place in the field of information and communication technologies.


To provide knowledge of ethical issues arising due to deployment of information and communication technologies in the society on large scale.

About Department

Computer Engineers have revolutionized the whole world. Computer Engineers are involved in many aspects of computing, from the design of individual microprocessors, personal computer and supercomputer to circuit design. The aim of the Computer department is to make competent computer engineers with a spirit of professionalism and responsible citizenship. The course emphasizes the importance of Computer Engineering and the applications of principles, to the solution of significant practical problems.

Centralized Internet Browsing Center (IBC) with lease-line connectivity of 2 Mbps protected by firewall is managed by the Department and is accessible for the students, around the clock for 24 hours. The department has three high end servers to manage the software and internet. The department has established 13 Computer labs of 24 computers each, supported by printers, scanners and 20KVA UPS. All the Computers are net worked with D-link switches and connected to internet and server.

Specialty of Department

  • Sophisticated computer labs ,equipped with high speed computer machines connected in LAN
  • A server room with high specification server.
  • A computer center with high speed internet services.
  • Labs are equipped with heavy duty printers & scanning devices and LCD projector.
  • 24 hour internet facility with 2mbps Leased lines in all laboratories.
  • We are having more than 280 latest configured computer currently.

1 Windows Server 2003
2 Windows Server 2008 R2
3 MS-Office 2003,2007,2010 with XP Pro media
4 MS Visual Studio with .net media
5 SQL Server 10 clients
6 MSDN Academic Allianz
11 Pro/EU plus with CAD/CAM/CAE
12 Turbo C++ Professional with 5 Floppies [ s/w ]
13 8085 simulator
14 Fedora 10,Red Hat Linux
15 SC51 : “C” Compiler for 8051 microcontroller family( includes compiler, Assembler, Linker, Simulator IDE )
16 MS Visual Studio Professional 2005 Edition
17 Dream Viewer Single User Software
18 Quick Heal Antivirus
19 MS Visual Studio 2010
20 MS Expression Studio 4.0
21 XNA Game Studio
22 Robotics Toolkit
23 SQL Server 2008